Plot method for an object of class 'MarkovTest'. It plots the trace of the
log-rank statistics provided by MarkovTest
- x
Object of class 'MarkovTest'
- y
The grid at which
was calculated- what
Choose "states" for plotting state-specific traces, and "overall" for the overall chi-squared trace
- idx
Vector of indices of wild bootstrap traces to plot
- quantiles
Boolean whether or not to plot the 2.5 and 97.5 percent quantiles, default is
- qsup
The index of the function in either
(when plotting state-specific) orfn2
(when plotting overall) to plot along with the traces; when missing this line is not included- states
Number of the qualifying state(s) to plot trace for
- xlab
Text for x-axis label
- ylab
Text for y-axis label
- main
Text for title (main)
- ...
Further arguments to plot
Hein Putter
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example provided by the prothrombin data
# Apply Markov test to grid of monthly time points over the first 7.5 years
year <- 365.25
month <- year / 12
grid <- month * (1:90)
# Markov test for transition 1 (wild bootstrap based on 100 replications)
MT <- MarkovTest(prothr, id = "id", transition = 1,
grid = grid, B = 100)
plot(MT, grid, what="states", idx=1:50, states=rownames(attr(prothr, "trans")),
xlab="Days since randomisation", ylab="Log-rank test statistic",
main="Transition Normal -> Low")
plot(MT, grid,what="overall", idx=1:50,
xlab="Days since randomisation", ylab="Chi-square test statistic",
main="Transition Normal -> Low")
plot(MT, grid, what="states", quantiles=FALSE) # only trace
plot(MT, grid, what="states") # trace plus quantiles (default)
plot(MT, grid, what="states", idx=1:10) # trace plus quantiles, plus first 10 bootstrap traces
plot(MT, grid, what="overall", quantiles=FALSE) # only trace
plot(MT, grid, what="overall") # trace plus quantiles (default)
plot(MT, grid, what="overall", idx=1:10) # trace plus quantiles, plus first 10 bootstrap traces
} # }