This function computes subject-specific or overall cumulative transition hazards for each of the possible transitions in the multi-state model. If requested, also the variances and covariances of the estimated cumulative transition hazards are calculated.
variance = TRUE,
vartype = c("aalen", "greenwood"),
- object
object describing the fit of the multi-state model- newdata
A data frame with the same variable names as those that appear in the
formula. Its use is somewhat different fromsurvfit
. See Details. The argumentnewdata
may be omitted only if the right hand side of the formula in thecoxph
object is~strata(trans)
- variance
A logical value indicating whether the (co-)variances of the subject-specific transition hazards should be computed. Default is
- vartype
A character string specifying the type of variances to be computed (so only needed if
). Possible values are"aalen"
- trans
Transition matrix describing the states and transitions in the multi-state model. See
for more detailed information
An object of class "msfit"
, which is a list containing
- Haz
A data frame with
, containing the estimated subject-specific hazards for each of the transitions in the multi-state model- varHaz
A data frame with
containing the variances (trans1
) and covariances (trans1
) of the estimated hazards. This element is only returned whenvariance
- trans
The transition matrix used
The data frame needs to have one row for each transition in the multi-state
model. An additional column strata
(numeric) is needed to describe
for each transition to which stratum it belongs. The name has to be
, even if in the original coxph
call another variable
was used. For details refer to de Wreede, Fiocco & Putter (2010). So far,
the results have been checked only for the "breslow"
method of
dealing with ties in coxph
, so this is
Putter H, Fiocco M, Geskus RB (2007). Tutorial in biostatistics: Competing risks and multi-state models. Statistics in Medicine 26, 2389–2430.
Therneau TM, Grambsch PM (2000). Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. Springer, New York.
de Wreede LC, Fiocco M, and Putter H (2010). The mstate package for estimation and prediction in non- and semi-parametric multi-state and competing risks models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 99, 261–274.
de Wreede LC, Fiocco M, and Putter H (2011). mstate: An R Package for the Analysis of Competing Risks and Multi-State Models. Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 38, Issue 7.
Hein Putter
# transition matrix for illness-death model
tmat <- trans.illdeath()
# data in wide format, for transition 1 this is dataset E1 of
# Therneau & Grambsch (2000)
tg <- data.frame(illt=c(1,1,6,6,8,9),ills=c(1,0,1,1,0,1),
# data in long format using msprep
tglong <- msprep(time=c(NA,"illt","dt"),status=c(NA,"ills","ds"),
# events
#> $Frequencies
#> to
#> from healthy illness death no event total entering
#> healthy 0 4 2 0 6
#> illness 0 0 4 0 4
#> death 0 0 0 6 6
#> $Proportions
#> to
#> from healthy illness death no event
#> healthy 0.0000000 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.0000000
#> illness 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
#> death 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
#> , , = 1
#> 2 3
#> 0 2 4
#> 1 4 2
#> , , = 2
#> 2 3
#> 0 0 0
#> 1 0 4
# expanded covariates
tglong <- expand.covs(tglong,c("x1","x2"))
# Cox model with different covariate
cx <- coxph(Surv(Tstart,Tstop,status)~x1.1+x2.2+strata(trans),
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status) ~ x1.1 + x2.2 + strata(trans),
#> data = tglong, method = "breslow")
#> n= 16, number of events= 10
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
#> x1.1 1.4753 4.3723 1.2557 1.175 0.240
#> x2.2 0.8571 2.3563 0.8848 0.969 0.333
#> exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
#> x1.1 4.372 0.2287 0.3731 51.24
#> x2.2 2.356 0.4244 0.4160 13.35
#> Concordance= 0.781 (se = 0.077 )
#> Likelihood ratio test= 2.93 on 2 df, p=0.2
#> Wald test = 2.32 on 2 df, p=0.3
#> Score (logrank) test = 2.86 on 2 df, p=0.2
# new data, to check whether results are the same for transition 1 as
# those in appendix E.1 of Therneau & Grambsch (2000)
newdata <- data.frame(trans=1:3,x1.1=c(0,0,0),x2.2=c(0,1,0),strata=1:3)
#> $Haz
#> time Haz trans
#> 1 1 0.062046887 1
#> 2 5 0.062046887 1
#> 3 6 0.333333333 1
#> 4 7 0.333333333 1
#> 5 8 0.333333333 1
#> 6 9 1.333333333 1
#> 7 12 1.333333333 1
#> 8 1 0.007971491 2
#> 9 5 0.007971491 2
#> 10 6 0.007971491 2
#> 11 7 0.007971491 2
#> 12 8 0.305921143 2
#> 13 9 0.305921143 2
#> 14 12 0.305921143 2
#> 15 1 0.000000000 3
#> 16 5 1.000000000 3
#> 17 6 1.000000000 3
#> 18 7 1.500000000 3
#> 19 8 1.500000000 3
#> 20 9 2.500000000 3
#> 21 12 3.500000000 3
#> $varHaz
#> time varHaz trans1 trans2
#> 1 1 0.0078708181 1 1
#> 2 5 0.0078708181 1 1
#> 3 6 0.1111111111 1 1
#> 4 7 0.1111111111 1 1
#> 5 8 0.1111111111 1 1
#> 6 9 1.1111111111 1 1
#> 7 12 1.1111111111 1 1
#> 8 1 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 9 5 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 10 6 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 11 7 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 12 8 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 13 9 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 14 12 0.0000000000 1 2
#> 15 1 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 16 5 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 17 6 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 18 7 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 19 8 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 20 9 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 21 12 0.0000000000 1 3
#> 22 1 0.0009825368 2 2
#> 23 5 0.0009825368 2 2
#> 24 6 0.0009825368 2 2
#> 25 7 0.0009825368 2 2
#> 26 8 0.1352337224 2 2
#> 27 9 0.1352337224 2 2
#> 28 12 0.1352337224 2 2
#> 29 1 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 30 5 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 31 6 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 32 7 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 33 8 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 34 9 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 35 12 0.0000000000 2 3
#> 36 1 0.0000000000 3 3
#> 37 5 1.0000000000 3 3
#> 38 6 1.0000000000 3 3
#> 39 7 1.2500000000 3 3
#> 40 8 1.2500000000 3 3
#> 41 9 2.2500000000 3 3
#> 42 12 3.2500000000 3 3
#> $trans
#> to
#> from healthy illness death
#> healthy NA 1 2
#> illness NA NA 3
#> death NA NA NA
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "msfit"